“…What Jay and I have is real. It’s not about interviews or getting the right photo op. It’s real ”
Do you think as Black women, we are expected to be superwomen? Even in relationships we are expected to hold it together.
Yeah. Guys are babies sometimes. Like they need you and it's like, I need you and you are just supposed to drop it. I mean it's very beautiful when you all are just doing the same thing for each other. But I know you just expect the woman to drop everything and fix it. A woman doesn't even ask for it because they're supposed to be strong enough to take care of it.
Will history still remember you as having the soul of the artist? As opposed to just a girl who sold a lot of records.
I don't want to be remembered as a member of this huge group that, you know, did whatever. I want to be acknowledged as a woman in a very talented group with great harmonies and great songs that made history and changed the culture of women, not only in America but all over the world. (A woman) who could sing a cappella and write her own songs and produce her own songs.