EVENT: SIMP w/ Big Sean, Donnis and Pill @ The Loft in Atlanta 9/18

A good friend over here at AutumnJones is Simp!! I'm sure y'all know I'm a big supporter of his amazing talent. He informed me that he was added to the bill to open for an up coming show, so of course I'm going to promote him in every way i can.

WITH THAT SAID IF you are in the ATLanta area tomorrow and you need something to get into. Make sure you go over to The Loft (1374 West Peachtree St) to check out a live show from Big Sean, Donnis, Pill, SIMP, Hollyweerd, Plane Jane and others.

If you love Hip Hop i know your going to have a good time. The show is Tomorrow September 18th at 9pm.. You can buy your tickets by clicking HERE


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