Vanessa Bryant is Just a HOODRAT

Apparently Vanessa Bryant felt the need to cuss out reporter Laura Lane of after she tryed to get an interview with Kobe the night he won the MVP award:So as I’m walking out of the Lakers locker room after some post-game interviews with the players, I pass Vanessa, who is sitting outside the locker room as usual with her two girls.

“Laura!” she screams (yes, she apparently knows my name). “Fuck you! You fucking bitch!”

“Excuse me?” I say, completely baffled as I look around me to see if there is someone else named Laura. No, there’s not.

Her daughters – ages 5 and 2 – are sitting next to her on the bench looking at their mom as she screams.

[More f-words ensue. Many more.]

I just stare at her. I’ve heard many stories about her from reporters, but this was unbelievable. Two of my friends from the LA Times told me how she cussed out one of them last season, because he said hi to her daughter. “Join the club, this means you’ve arrived,” said one reporter when word spread of my run-in with Vanessa. “She’s insane,” said another. “Everyone knows it.”

I've heard the Chick is crazy to, but honestly all she needs is to step up to the right person and let them take it form there. I bet she wont have much else to say, only hoodrats act like that in front of their children.
