Working out while pregnant

I recently noticed this picture of singer Kelly Rowland come down my FaceBook time line and there were several comments about whether or not she should be working out during her pregnancy. A lot of people were upset saying that she would hurt her child in some way by doing so. Many of the upset women claimed to have children themselves. As I read the upset comments from fans I initially thought about my pregnancy with Autumn. I walked, jogged and lifted light weights when i was pregnant with her. My doctor said was okay to do. Heck she even told me I could continue to drink wine if I liked but I chose not! Autumn will be two years old this month and she is extremely active. I personally contribute a lot of that to my exercise routine before, during and after I was pregnant. I think it is great that moms to be work on keeping their weight during pregnancy down for their own health but more importantly their child's.

I love talking about mommy hood and helping new moms with any questions they may possibly have. After coming across that post I posted a response that consisted of some of the benefits I found from this recent article; 'Seven great benefits of pregnancy exercise' . It list things like; getting your body back after child birth, boosting your energy and preparing you for child birth which you will definitely more than anything need it for. I know some people have their thoughts and they have been taught there are certain things that you can not do during pregnancy. But times have changed and  who really wants to be a big fat pregnant women, always tired and emotional? Especially when you can take charge and feel at your best.
